Doskvol after Dark -58- Interview with John Harper

And to wrap up our Blades in the Dark campaign, an interview with the creator, John Harper. This interview was originally aired in the spring of 2018, but since time no longer makes sense for any of us, we’ll just count that as 100 Eras ago. Look it’s barely less time since the last movie with a Batman, and now we’re getting another movie with a Batman, so TIME MATTERS NOT AT ALL!

Anyway, I may have a personal grievance with Time Passage that I need to work out. Everyone else can enjoy this interview that took place before the Time of LockDown destroyed our internal clocks. Okay? Sounds good on paper anyway.

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Doskvol after Dark -56- Now he just looks like a dead ragamuffin!

To hide the body or hide themselves…that is the question our party has asked itself. And today, you will discover the answer! Really, though, as always, it’s all about the towels. Not the body. The towels. I bet you can’t wait to find out how!

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Doskvol after Dark -55- They won't look in the armoire because that's where the body was.

Well we’ve made it to the “how to we get inside” part. And the “oh no that body just fell out of this armoire” part. Of course there’s also the “let’s roll down this rabbit hole first” part. All of the parts you were hoping for!

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Doskvol after Dark -54- Well, the racoon suit lets you fly.

We have some plans! And some racoons? Or metaphorical racoons? Some literal grappling hooks! Time to sneakify into the house!

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Doskvol after Dark -53- So goats, sewers, ghosts, or racoons?

It’s time to plan the strike on the Governor! There are some down-time actions first because everybody needs some health and less stress. (But then, don’t we all!) But then some plans! Or wait. Maybe racoons.

Wait. Where did the racoons come from?

Plans. We’re doing plans!

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Doskvol after Dark -52- That sounds like a group action, to me.

Time for some group actions. And ever more group actions! Ghosts? Is it time for the ghost summoning, yet? After the goats and fire, it’s probably a totally smart idea to summon a ghost, right? Right?

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Dosvkol after Dark -51- Uh you might have made a little noise getting here.

Well there’s been a lot of ruckus, really. There’s no doubt that sneaking is not any of these adventurer’s strengths list, to be sure. But fire? Absolutely! Mayhem? Definitely! Ghosties? Well, there’s some debate. Let’s see what’s next on the “How about this plan?” checklist!

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Doskvol after Dark -50- I'm gonna sniff him out with my hunting animal!

Honestly, that on-fire goat cart was a pretty impressive distraction. Let’s see how well it works for our friends in teh pressurized towel cart!

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Doskvol after Dark -49- Now it's time for the flaming goat-cart distraction!

We’ve got that towel cart fully pressurized and ready to go. Got a cart outside with supplies and goats. It’s time for the manuever to begin!

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Doskvol after Dark -48- Assault is still an option!

So here’s the question: get the bad guy in the police station? get the bad guy in his fortified be a cart of towels? sell a cart of towels? There are some options here. Time to choose the adventure!

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Doskvol after Dark -47- Stress is for lesser beings!

Time for some stress relief and getting rid of all that heat!

Oh and! Let’s look at that bulletin board and pick our next target!

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Doskvol after Dark -46- Immediately, we all point our fingers at Crow.

Time for some heat. And some downtime actions. And some ghost, of course. And maybe just a little bit of finger pointing and raising a ruckus!

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Doskvol after Dark -45- He'll probably snap out of it before he's hurt....

Got those ghosties on our side (exceptions for non-specific language still apply) but suddenly! a drippy undead crumbly guy! It has a warning? It’s creepy time!

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Doskvol after Dark -44- Look, we never promised to actually file these papers.

Well now there’s an alarm going off. Of course. The party is seperated. That’s fine. Is it time for a ghost? Well, isn’t it always about time for a ghost? Oh wait. I think I’m supposed to say it’s never time for a ghost. That’s the one. Yeah.

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Doskvol after Dark -42- The quick, easy path is the correct one.

Off to the bank we go!

Off to the bank we go!

Off to the bank we go!


We’re infiltraaaaating the bank

With our rec-tan-gles!

Ooooooff to the bank we go!

But we don’t know what we’re doiiiiiiiiing….

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Doskvol after Dark -40- Look, the revolution is bound to make it to the streets eventually.

Okay NOW it’s time for that downtime discussion. Time to get rid of that stress but not overindulge. No…no, you’re not supposed to overindulge, just a little indulge. Y’all. sigh Okay, fine, let’s at least avoid some heat since we have more objectives, all right? FINE. Okay. Okay, we’re going to do the professional things now. RIGHT?

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Doskvol after Dark -39- The One Where We Mostly Faff About

Four rectangle have been acquired! It is time for some downtime activity. insert discussion of chicken breeds

But really some downtime activity—insert mailing birds in the mail

But downtime—insert kayak discussion

Okay now some downtime activities. Now.

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